Our Programs & Services

We offer incubation programmes and connect entrepreneurs and innovators to large organisations, partners, investors, and the public sector. Why? To build a more just and sustainable society.


Social Impact Award

SIA 2024 kicked off on March 13th.

Application closed for 2024.
We will continue next year!

The Social Impact Award (SIA) is more than just an award: it is the world’s largest training and support programme for higher education students and young people on sustainability, environmental and social innovation.


The SIA programme helps young people aged 14-30 to explore social entrepreneurship and take the first steps towards setting up a social enterprise.

She's Next

A jelentkezés lezárult.

Minden pályázót legkésőbb 2024. május 24-ig kiértesítünk.

A Visa elkötelezett a női vállalkozókat hátrányosan érintő egyenlőtlen akadályok felszámolásában. Magyarországon a Visa a She’s Next program keretében öt nyertes női vállalkozást részesít egyenként kétmillió forintos támogatásban, valamint oktatásban, mentorálásban.


Magyarországon a Visa She’s Next támogatási programja az Impact Hub (Fenntartható Vállalkozásokért Alapítvány) közreműködésével valósul meg.


Application closed

CAPSULE is an Erasmus+ project organized in 3 EU countries, Romania, Croatia and Hungary by Impact Hub Bucharest, Career Shift, Impact Hub Zagreb and Impact Hub Budapest with the aim of promoting young people’s initiatives in the area of entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship, with a focus on social inclusion and diversity in fields such as education, training, youth and sport, and also to increase the degree of employability among young people.

Momentum Project


Momentum Project was a 24-months programme. In partnership with local stakeholders in five EU countries – Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Hungary, implemented from January 2022 to December 2023, and funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF). The programme was focusing on reducing barriers faced by migrant and refugee women undergoing the process of socio-economic integration.






Horizon Europe project SoTecIn Factory aims to connect industry with society in a community of mission-oriented social innovators, to support social entrepreneurs in their drive to increase the circularity of key product value chains, and to promote a culture of social innovation in European manufacturing businesses. It focuses on improving the circularity of 4 out of seven key product value chains, as defined by the EU Circular Economy Action Plan:  Packaging, Plastics, Textiles, Food, water and nutrients.

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