The Capsule Project

CAPSULE is an Erasmus+ project organized in 3 EU countries, Romania, Croatia and Hungary by Impact Hub Bucharest, Career Shift, Impact Hub Zagreb and Impact Hub Budapest with the aim of promoting young people’s initiatives in the area of entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship, with a focus on social inclusion and diversity in fields such as education, training, youth and sport, and also to increase the degree of employability among young people.


During the project’s timeline of 18 months (about 1 and a half years), the participants will go through 5 e-courses about entrepreneurial development skills, creative skills and digital skills, while joining 3 communities of practice and developing their entrepreneurial or community project idea through 3 incubation weekends with the support of coaches and mentors.


CAPSULE focuses on empowering young women across the EU to become change agents, by unlocking their potential, through a holistic capacity building program, supporting them to overcome barriers like limiting beliefs and fear of failure.



The Application for this project is closed.

Who is this for

The program targets young women aged 18-28 who are interested in developing a business and are at the beginning of their professional career. Those who are already working on a business idea or have started an entrepreneurial initiative are also encouraged to apply.


The program is looking for:

  • young mothers who want to develop a business on their own.
  • young women from disadvantaged categories such as migrants, refugees or displaced people located in the program’s partner countries.
  • any young woman in the European Union who wants to become an entrepreneur and does not know where to start.

The program, runs for 18 months, we work with 105 participants from the 3 partner countries. In Hungary we are working with 35 applicants.

Calendar of activities in Hungary

February – December 2024: 8 community meetings (local)

February – October 2024: 5 mastermind events (international)

8 – 12 April 2024: International Bootcamp in Bucharest

Community of practices (CoPs)


  • 15 February 2024
  • 21 March 2024
  • 18 April 2024
  • 16 May 2024
  • 13 June 2024
  • 12 September 2024
  • 10 October 2024

Mastermind sessions


  • 27 February 2024
  • 30 April 2024
  • 25 June 2024
  • 27 August 2024
  • 29 October 2024


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